A quick week of gaming news

This week had some gaming news to process and think about, so join me in looking at some of what’s gone on. This time around I’m covering the gaming releases and gaming news of May 5t to the 11t of 2024. Please note and know I don’t cover all that has gone on since that…

This week’s riveting gaming news…

Welcome to this week’s blog post on video games covering events from April 14th to the 20th of 2024. I’m covering the gaming releases, gaming news, and entertainment news that caught my interest for this go around. Please note and know that I don’t cover all that’s gone on and that this is just some…

The oddity of an odd week in video games and gaming news.

Welcome to the jungle of gaming news that keeps on coming. And welcome to the weekly blog post about what’s happened for this week in the world of video games. This time around there are video game releases, gaming news, and some entertainment news to keep things going and going for November 14t to the…